Sunday, September 29, 2013


Oh my goodness has this week been full of STRESS!!!!! I got in my car Monday morning to go to work and I had the feeling that this was going to be a bad Monday. I had nothing particularly stressful on my calendar, but I just had a hunch. I get to work and find out we have auditors from the state for their surprise yearly visit. We weren't expecting them until sometime in the late winter or early spring, so to say I was surprised was an understatement. This is always a stressful time at work, we always know they will come, but it is very unerrving to have them in the building looking at everything and picking apart everything you say with a fine tooth comb. Add to this stress the fact that my boss had scheduled to be out of town for the majority of the week and that my dear hubby was going to be out of town as well, and you can imagine the stress I felt. Also, add to that the fact that last time they were at my work, I personally got a deficiency from them for something I was personally responsible for. I am typically not a huge stress case, but my stress goes into another stratosphere when the auditors are here. I am sure my coworkers were about sick of me by the time it was all over. During all of this stress, I almost slipped back into my old eating habits. I did have a few moments of weakness, but overall, my eating did stay on track. I kept drining my shakeology every morning, it was something that helped ground me and remind me of my goals and normal (less stressful) life.
My workouts were also kinda hard for me this week. I STILL have this nagging cold, I don't feel bad, just my voice sounds about 2 octaves lower than normal and I have this hacking cough. When I workout, my asthma would flare up and I don't have an inhaler at the moment, so it was kinda scary. After I had 1 almost asthma attack on Tuesday night, I decided that I better skip Wednesday's workout as to prevent having to go to the hospital with no hubby at home to take me to the hospital. With these problems, it was hard to find the motivation to want to work out. I was just feeling sorry for myself and was falling into how I used to feel about myself almost all the time before I started getting healthy, like a failure. Come Friday morning, all these thoughts disappeared and I found renewed energy and motivation. Why you ask? Because I weighed in at work and I had lost 2 pounds! Plus, the auditors left work and I didn't have any deficiencies and my awesome hubby was coming home that night. I have now lost 13.5 pounds in 5 weeks, only 116.5 to go! On Saturday we went to the park. Now, the last time I went here with my son, I remember being uncomfortable standing up and helping him maneuver the playground. This time, it was easy and we had FUN! Yet again, all the reminder I needed for my journey to health. My son is why I do this. Lastly, I want to say, I love that people are noticing now that I have lost weight, not just people who know about my journey, but who don't see me often and have noticed that I have changed. It's a great feeling! Thanks again for reading, until next week!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

1 month, a lifetime to go

Wow is all I can say about this week. It has been a crazy week in many respects. Most of all, I have lost weight. This always makes me happy. Last week I wrote about how I lost .5 pounds. Then as if my body was holding out on me, I get on the scale the next morning and I had dropped 4 pounds!!! I thought it was a fluke, so I did what I believe any person would have done, I got off and back on the scale about 5 times. Everytime I did, the number remained exactly the same. I even made my sweet hubby come and check to make sure I wasn't crazy. He told me he saw the same thing I did. I was so excited I could barely stand it, and I'm pretty sure I let out a squeal most of my neighbors could hear. So, if any of my neighbors read this, I apologize for the loud, most likely obnoxious screams you heard from my house on Monday morning at about 6:15. As my Monday progressed, I started to feel a cold coming on. I got the usual cold symptoms, sore throat, stuffy nose, headache, and just plain exhausted. Because of not feeling well, I considered not working out, but I thought to myself, if you skip this once, it will be easy to just keep skipping. You are in charge here, this is your body and future, you gotta workout and burn those calories. I started working out a little later than usual and I didn't work as hard as I normally would, but all that matters is that I did it. Here is a lovely picture of me, and by lovely I mean awful and probably the worst picture I have ever taken, but nonetheless it is proof that I did it.
The rest of the week was a test of my will power and trying to figure out how to schedule time for my workouts. My cold has developed into a full blown week long illness and I just can't shake it. Thursday was a busy day for me; after working all day, I hosted my book club at my house. According to my workout class schedule, I was supposed to do a 45 minute workout that day, but I just didn't have the energy or time left in my day to do a 45 minute routine. I made the decision to workout and did a 25 minute routine instead. The next day I drove up to spend the night with my sister and nieces. I went to my nieces homecoming football game. I love spending time with her and I am glad she moved closer so we can see each other more often. While I was talking to her, I had another realization of why I am working out and getting healthy. She means so much to me and I want be around as long as I can for her too. Also, while I was talking to her, I realized how grown up she is. She'll be 17 this winter and it seems like just yesterday I held her as a newborn. I had the realization that life goes by quickly and that I need to take control of my health now, or it will just be another 17 years later and I will be in the same place I am now, obese, unhealthy, and unhappy.
She has always made me want to be a better person and add that to the reasons I need to get healthy. The next morning, I went to the finish line for a marthon. My amazing friend and coach, Erin was running in her first marathon and I wanted to be there to support her and tell her thank you in person for all she has done for me to help me on my journey to health. Here we are about half an hour after she finished. I'm so proud of her for finishing and reaching her goal. She finished in 3:59. Her goal was to go under 4 hours and she did it.
Doesn't she look amazing, I mean I don't look that good after I workout for 45 minutes and she just ran a freaking marathon! I had never been to a marathon and it was so awesome to see these people complete this amazing feat. It almost made me want to think about running a marathon, ALMOST that is. I still want to do a triathalon, a small one, but running a marathon that's a whole different story. I also weighed myself again at the end of the week and I lost another 1.5 pounds. That bring my total weight loss to 11.5 pounds in 4 weeks. I have been feeling that my clothes are begining to feel loose, but I wanted tangible proof of my progress. The best way to do this is with side by side pictures. So here we have them.
There you have my progress one month into it. 11.5 pounds down, 118.5 pounds to go. Many people have asked me now that I have been doing this for a while how it is going. The answer is, it is not a diet, this is just my lifestyle now. This is how I live my life and it will be a long road. I didn't gain all this weight overnight and I don't expect to lose it all at once. Also, I heard something funny I've been meaning to share. I don't know why people call it losing weight, I intend to NEVER EVER find it again. Perfect description if you ask me. Thanks again to all my friends and family for their amazing support, I couldn't do this without y'all. Until next week!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Small Victories

This week has been all about the small victories on my quest to become healthy. My first victory this week came when I put a pair of my work pants on. The week before these pants were tight and now I have a good couple of inches in the waist. They aren't loose yet, but they are on their way to being too big for me.
On the scale this week I have lost .5 pounds. That brings my grand total to 6 pounds lost. Only 124 more to go! The next thing that happened was sad to admit, but also a huge victory for me. My dear hubby and I went to a restaurant that we went to just about 6 weeks ago. At that time, I wanted to sit in the booth, but I couldn't fit, comfortably that is. Yesterday we went in and the hostess showed us to the booth. I panicked for a minute, but I thought to myself, "You've been working out, you got this." All the while, my self-doubt was gnawing at me, but I thought it was a good way to test my progress. I slid into the booth with ease! Oh happy day! I was so excited that I immediately texted my coach and told her. She was so proud of me and excited for me. Lastly, this week my adorable son has been into being chased and running after us. He thinks it is the funniest thing on the planet. So, I got up and I ran with him. I did it for a good 5-10 minutes and wasn't even tired after. If this had been a month ago, there is no way I could have done that. I would have been winded and had to sit down after about 30 seconds of running. It was then I had it reaffirmed in my brain the whole reason I am becoming healthy. For my son, he is the reason I do everything and gives me a direction in life. He is the best thing I have done with my life. I mean how could you not love this face.
This is him in the morning on the way to work and day care. He insists on having some of my shakeology every morning and insists that the pink shaker cup is his. He lights up like it is Christmas morning when I hand it to him. Another small victory, he is starting to learn healthy habits from me and it again lets me know I am doing the right thing. That's it for this week. Stay tuned for next week. Thanks for following me on my journey.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Well, another week in the books. I followed my workout routine and calendar. I am finally starting to crave my workouts. I never, ever in a million years thought I would say something like that. I was probably one of the most sedentary people you have ever met. Some of my favorite hobbies include reading, watching movies, talking on the phone, and my most favorite, napping. I work out at the end of the day, because it is easiest to fit it in my schedule at that time, and it doesn't interfere with my sleeping and time with my son. So, after I but my son to bed, my new routine is to go get my workout clothes on and drink a big glass of ice water and start my workout. I look forward to them, its my "me time". I feel so much less stressed and I feel like I am at least a couple inches closer to my 100 yard goal. My workouts help me achieve my overall goal of being healthy and losing weight. During this week I have lost another 1.5 pounds, which brings my total lost to 5.5 pounds. Only 124.5 pounds to go! I'll admit I was a little bummed to see that I had only lost 1.5 pounds, compared to the 4 pounds I lost the previous week. But hey, a loss is a loss. As long and I don't gain, I am doing it right and my weight is headed in the right direction. This week has had some challenges which I knew would happen when I went back to work from vacation. The number one of those being, STRESS! My job is relatively calm right now, but it can become so stressful so quick, that you never know from one minute to the next what the stress level will be. My week was pretty calm, until Friday around lunchtime. I have a boss who loves to bake and she brought in a ooey-gooey treat made from marshmallows, chocolate chips, butter, and golden graham cereal. When she first told me what it was that morning, I declined, knowing that it was something I knew I would love. But, at lunchtime, my day got hectic, and I did what I normally did, I stress ate. Not a huge piece, but it was a piece and I immediately felt guilty. How could I be so stupid and blow it! I was so mad at myself for doing it. Then I thought to myself, this isn't productive and you need to think positive. So, I made a promise that I would eat super healthy the rest of the day and work extra hard at my workout that night. I did all those things, heck I even did an extra abs workout to help counteract my yummy treat. I went to bed feeling ok about my little slip up. After I got up Saturday morning, I weighed myself, which is now my habit every morning. To my surprise, I had lost another half a pound! Oh joy! Saturday was a day I had prepared myself all week. It was my wonderful husband's birthday. I had planned some pretty awesome surprises for him, one of which included eating at a restaurant that isn't exactly healthy. All the meals are 5 courses and include dessert. I was pretty good here, I ordered chicken and for dessert I had strawberries Romanov, which is strawberries dipped in sour cream and brown sugar. Trust me, that was the lightest of the options. As we were eating, I kept telling myself, its okay to have a treat night, as long as you've earned it by working your butt off, which I had all week. I plan on working super hard this next week and posting more weight loss. Oh, I almost forgot, my work just started a 12 week weight loss challenge on Friday. You have to pay to enter and at the end, whoever wins gets a big cash prize. I don't encourage gambling, but if I were a betting man, I would bet on me. I want that money so bad and I am going to win it! Lastly, here are 2 pictures for you this week. The first of me sweating like a pig after my workout because my coach asked us to post one on our Facebook challenge group page and the second of my handsome hubby at dinner yesterday. Until next week!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Fresh Start

Well, I did it! I survived my first week of my new lifestyle. I worked out everyday this week, except today. Sundays are now my rest day. Because they are my rest day, I think it will be easiest to update this blog every Sunday. So look for another new post next Sunday! This has been a great week for me. I was off work all week, so it was very easy to start to focus on me and my health. I started by doing my first workout on Monday morning while everybody else in my house was fast asleep. When I got done, my beautiful son was there and ran to me and gave me a big hug and said, "I love you Mommy!" If that isn't all the motivation I needed to keep going, I don't know what else is.
That night was my son's second birthday party. I had a huge cake staring me in the face.
Now before my commitment to lose weight and get healthy, I would have probably eaten 2 huge slices and licked all the icing off my plate with joy. But, I was good. I did have a small piece, but even that didn't taste great to me. I kept telling myself that I was getting healthy for my son. The rest of the week we did fun things, like go to the movie and out to eat a few times. But, I have been changing the way I look at things. I have been eating way more salads than I ever have in my life. But, ya know what? I am actually starting to like them. I am starting to realize the healthier things I put in my body, the better and more energized I feel. It's like you learn in school, everything has a cause and an effect. My body has been effected by my choosing to be unhealthy and treat it poorly. I am severely morbidly obese because I have not been active for years and have chosen to eat mostly unhealthy things. I will now share some before pictures. These are extremely embarrassing to put out there, but its like my coach said, I am saying goodbye to this body and trading it in for a new healthier one.
I am happy to report that in my first week of working out, I have lost 4 pounds. This is not much overall, but to me it is huge. I am just that much closer to my goal. I am motivated to keep going and work on taking care of myself. I know it won't be easy, but I am worth it and so is my son. Now, many people have asked me what I am doing to achieve my goals. I am doing a Beachbody challenge with a workout called Turbofire and drinking a health shake called Shakeology. I am not putting it out there to guilt trip people into buying it or to sound like a used car salesman. But, it works! I have proof in myself and others that I know. I am most likely going to become a coach and start selling their products. If you are interested in doing a challenge with me or hearing more about it, please let me know. Keep working hard and thanks for all your support. I have been tremendously overwhelmed and blessed by all the support I have gotten as I have started this new journey in my life. Thank you all so much!